Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Well, its the last few blog entries for school. And I seriously tempted to write the nonsense I write in my blog all the time. As most of you know, I did my design diploma before Comms. And while doing design, there's always this label(stereotype) for designers:
Designers are just weird.
Having been there and done that, I'm clearing the air on this statement. There are a few some excuses reasons for such a claim to be made.
  1. Designers often are required to think out of the box. The box retrains thinking. So our brain's kinda not in the skull 24/7. Hence the occasional weird control of movements.
  2. While the brain's not at home, designers are required forced to come out with totally new concepts 24/7 (again). Forcing just makes thinking weirder cause the brain just refuses to return to base. Reason for that: home base is under attack, who in the world would want to stay home and get bombed to death. --.--
  3. After the "bombings", the brain does return to the designer's skull. However, the designer's brain has to start on the restoration of the home base (motivation/to de-unmoralise oneself). This process often amazes the laymen. Even amazes the designer.
  4. When restoration is done, you'll then realise that the designer is sleep-deprived, food-deprived, play-deprived, (in my case) booze-deprived and in some drastic cases; sex-deprived. No wonder most designers are emo, gay and skinny. (Why didn't the skinny happen to me? Guess I didn't stay in the industry long enough. ~Shrugs~)
Most of us (the young ones) look like that, probably plus minus here and there.

Hey. But we do create the coolest stuff in the world. Think the movie Alien. Ok. The guy's totally weird even from my own point of view. H.R. Giger. He's the dude that designed the alien and the set in the movie.
But didn't it appeal greatly to the masses?

Designers are weird but we are definitely great too. If not, where do all your lovely handphone designs come from?


NIC said...

yes!! with my design background, i've met many truly 'ecentric' individuals that people would definately take a second look at, with words like queer, strange and weird coming to their minds. BUT, they come out with the most amazing designs!

however, i feel that this is a just typical stereotype of designers and others in the creative industry. it does not hold true all the time, as some of the best designers i've met are homely, middle aged married individuals that look like any other boring person holding a standard office job! same can be said for the posers that spend so much effort trying to look different and cool, but their design portfolios are nothing to brag about.

Deepan said...

yes... i think this is subtle stereotype ... think bout it ... just becuz he's a freak we expect him to churn out something good... abit screwed up on our part right ?