Thursday, May 29, 2008

Point of views.

We are all entitled to our point of views. In a way, it does help shape and mold out the quirkiness.

Yes. The all-time famous Coke vs Pepsi ads. In Pepsi's eyes, of course the Coke doesn't stand a chance at all. So far, I can't seem to find any ads that are Coke based propaganda.
HSBC has done one of their advertising campaigns in such a way. Somewhat so like having 2 sides of a coin. Or rather of how people would perceive a certain thing or idea.

Most of the time people try their best to get their agenda across to the other party, however through the brain, the message will be distorted. Be it 100% entirely or just 0.01%.

So what do you see?


Mark Soo said...

I think its rude to challenge your opponents straight on like what Pepsi had done. The ads simply deemed Pepsi to be better than Coke, which is unfair because the message is so one-sided! However I do not think that our brain distorts the message, its just that our eyes always play tricks on us. Our perception has always been shaped by external factors and at times, they might disillusion us. So its important for us to differentiate whats right from wrong, by judging and weighing the two sides of the coin.

NIC said...

because of our different points of views, i think its important for us to weigh different factors and sides of the story carefully, and not be swayed by our personal biases. sometimes, its good to ask for the opinions of others that are not involved in your situation as they see things from the outside and thus can make a fairer judgement!

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